
Our Nurse Testimonials

zimbabwe nurse
Interstaff has been very supportive, and they have their nurses at heart. They don’t just put us into states and forget about us. They reach out often to find out how you are doing.


RN from Zimbabwe
international nurse from Zambia
You have to choose a reliable agency that you can work with, and I decided on Interstaff because they met all of my criteria.


RN from Zambia
TN Visa Program
“You can trust Interstaff; they know what they’re doing. They want to help you out and encourage you to pursue your dreams.”


RN from Mexico
“Interstaff’s application process is easy, and there are no biases. They are very open to you. Also, I like their offers; it was just what I needed.”


RN from Guyana
Adelaide - Interstaff Inc
“Interstaff has been so amazing to me since the day I joined their agency. Interstaff filed my petition very quickly, and my transition from Kenya to the U.S. was so smooth!”


RN from Kenya
Junius - Interstaff Inc
“Interstaff is awesome. They made many things happen before I finished my own relocation plans. They secured our plane tickets, our home, what we would do when we arrived in the US, and much more.”


RN from the Philippines
Jackson - Interstaff Inc
“Everything in this process is a win; my life is a win right now. I am so happy and appreciative to be here in the U.S. working as an Interstaff nurse.”


RN from Kenya
International nursing jobs - Interstaff Inc
“Thank you to the Interstaff team for helping me realize my American dream. You all are like angels and are always so nice.”


RN from India