June 27, 2019

How to Stand Out Among Competition

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Interstaff’s interview process has become increasingly competitive due to the high number of applicants. The interview includes an in-depth look at your experience and skillset. It is important to understand that meeting our requirements doesn’t automatically guarantee employment with us. There are numerous factors that affect the decision-making process.

When choosing nurses, we consider years of experience, hospital size, their current unit/ward and how many openings we have for each unit, ratios, certifications, your skills and so much more. But aside from what nurses can’t really control, there are some things that they can control. Our interviewers pay very close attention to your attitude during the interview. Nurses who are polite, joyful, confident and use manners tend to make a really good impression! Our interviewers also appreciate punctuality and professional attire. Lastly, we understand that a strong internet connection may be hard to obtain in certain areas but good connection allows the interview to run smoothly. If you are able to, visit a place with strong internet at the time of your interview.

The process will continue to get more competitive so we encourage nurses to do their absolute best. We wish everyone luck! If you haven’t applied yet, you can do so here.