December 10, 2022

Giving and Receiving Feedback


While running our day-to-day activities, we continuously give and receive feedback. It is evident in every profession that for you to have a seamless flow of work, you have to effectively communicate to the other parties involved which can be orally or written. When giving feedback, there are a few factors to consider:

Giving Feedback

  1. Feedback has to be timely since delayed feedback might not be impactful or might lose the meaning of which it was intended.
  2. It needs to be balanced and therefore it is important to give positive feedback before the negative one.
  3. You have to be specific and realistic ensuring that you do not assume that the other party already knows the topic you are discussing.
  4. You might need to explain with examples so that the message is understood.

Receiving Feedback

  1. When receiving feedback, it is important to be a perceptive listener making sure that you do not interrupt. This allows you to internalize and interpret the message giving you time to understand the message before you reply.
  2. You will need to follow up on the feedback where instructions or recommendations are given.

When giving or receiving feedback you must maintain eye contact, lack of which might make you look disinterested or disrespectful. Allow people to ask questions when they need to clarify or do not understand something. This allows a two-way communication and everyone feels appreciated.
