September 10, 2020

Interstaff Welcomes New Clinical Manager


Stacy Maitha is Interstaff’s new Clinical Manager! She will be involved in the initial interview process, assist nurses with passing the NCLEX, and will oversee nurses’ progression during our process.

A little about Stacy:
Nursing is actually Stacy’s third career. She has been a nurse for 7 years and previously worked in the emergency department mostly as the Clinical Manager of Operations, and professional staff development specialist. Stacy has a passion for developing new nurses and helping them see their potential for growth in new ways.

Fun fact about Stacy:
She speaks Swahili because she lived in Kenya and her husband is Kenyan.

A note from Stacy:
“I’m most excited to have joined the Interstaff team because of our “Nurse First” philosophy and cannot wait to start helping nurses realize their vision of working in the U.S.!”